Starting to meditate

Meditation is a form of self-healing and optimizing yourself.
Taking yourself to a higher level/frequency.

First of all, find a quiet place.
Then sit in a position that you find comfortable.

Now close your eyes and start to observe your breathing.
If you focus on your breathing you will notice that other thoughts occasionally pass by.
Let these float by like clouds, do nothing with them.
Let it be, but above all do not fight against it.
You do not want to create resistance in yourself.

So you let them go by and go back to your breathing.
Start with a few minutes to 5, then 10, 15 and as desired possibly longer.

This seems like a pretty simple meditation but therefore very powerful.
You actually want to briefly distance yourself from all the bullshit in your life and feel your true self.
Distance yourself from all your problems, bills and the tsunami of thoughts.
You want to calm your energy and not let it shoot in all directions.
Chaos inside, also manifests itself in chaos outside.

Only from calmness and self-control do you function optimally.
Even in chaotic situations, because you are more in control of yourself from a position of calmness.

Starting your day with meditation can benefit you throughout the day.

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