Bad news for you

You are going to die.
And everyone around you, everyone you know is going to die too!
No one escapes it.

But how aware are you and how do you live your life in the face of this knowledge?
When you are on your deathbed, what will you look back on?
Regret with a sour face, or a life full of experiences with a smile?

Regret weighs tons, discipline weighs ounces.
Stop all distractions and time wasters and do what is really important in your life.

Take set moments in your schedule for feedback where you look back on how you completed your day or week.
E.g. Monday as the week begins or Friday as the weekend begins.

How much time did I waste, what could I do better?
Was those 2-3 hours of watching TV really important to you?
Could you have worked on your business or spent more time with your children during the time you watched 2-3 hours of TV?
What did I do right and should I continue doing?

Every day you get older and yesterday's day never comes back.

Wake up Neo.

P.S forward this to people who are wasting their lives and need a wake up call


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