Negative people

These are people who have a problem for every solution.
Negative people are also just negative energy that you should banish from your life, friends, family, everyone.

You might think these people are here too and you should deal with them as best you can.
You shouldn't deal with them at all, you should stay far away from them!
Being negative is just a mentality for which everyone is responsible.
That sooner or later they will start projecting on you as well.
These kinds of people invent the craziest things to bring you down and distract you from your goals.
And they always manage to justify it to themselves and then it's often your fault too!

Your energy is limited and before you know it you find yourself in the craziest situations with these kinds of people.
Unfortunately, I speak from experience.
No matter how hard you try their negativity is often also their confort zone to which they cling convulsively.

Wasted energy, no matter how hard, it is reality...


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