Is the matrix real?

The matrix is real.
It is an umbrella term for the system and everything that wants to program you.

You see it all around you.
TV and the media in particular want to pin a narrative on you.
Movies, too, always go in a certain direction, everything.
The government, agencies, strangers, your employer, acquaintances, and even your friends and family want to shape you through social conditioning.
Always ask yourself what someone's interest is when they tell you something.
That way you will see things in perspective.

Your friends and family will often have your best interests at heart, but it is their perspective.
Sometimes they subconsciously or consciously have an interest in this despite their good intentions.
For example, even your closest family members sometimes want to distract you from your dreams and goals when you know what you can do and want to go for it!
Always look for yourself to see what is real for you.
Be aware that society tries to program you and is a source of distraction.

The matrix can waste your time and energy.
You escape the matrix by becoming your ultimate self and optimally aware.

This is why it can be difficult to deal with dominant people and organizations.
Because you want to be free and yourself and a dominant person or entity wants to mold you.

Also, be realistic and deal with it as smartly as you can.
The matrix is there and you need to deal with it as best you can.
That's not by fighting it all day, but mainly by focusing on your path.


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