Sound frequencies for healing

There are various sound frequencies under various names, binaural beats, morphic fields, white and brown noises.
From changing your eye color and growing your hair to gaining more muscle mass or rejuvenating yourself.
Certain sound frequencies are said to do all of these things.
Also becoming more intelligent or even curing cancer.

To get this confirmed as to what is and isn't true would require an absurd amount of research.
That's not realistic.
But that sound frequencies work and are enormously powerful that's for me for sure.

So hell yeah that I am experimenting with sound frequencies to rejuvenate myself, make myself smarter and stronger!
I also use a sound frequency for my dog who has cancer and would fight cancer.

This could play a big role in healing all kinds of ailments in the future.
I have found that it works for mood, focus and physical strength.
Whether it also and to what extent it works for bigger changes, like rejuvenation and cancer I am definitely going to do more research on it.

Always follow the guidelines when experimenting with this and use common sense.

More will undoubtedly be written about this in the future.
For now, this is mostly experimentation and experience.


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