Diagnoses and the DSM manual are nonsense!

This could fall under the heading of matrix attack as far as I am concerned.
I therefore sincerely believe that diagnoses are used to program and keep people "small" ipv out of the box.

Diagnoses are literally made up and exist only in relation to what the artificially created society expects of you.
So it is not in line with the individual or the nature of man.

People often experience the diagnoses as more limiting than the "condition" itself.

Of course you can have complaints and experience them as very annoying.
But try to look at it differently.
Human beings do not fit into a box and have a need for freedom, which is why this can clash with the society that likes to put you in a box.
That everything is energy and consciousness has already been proven.
So your complaints mean that your energy and consciousness of it is not the way you want it to be and that is why you have complaints.
How can I transform this energy and consciousness?
Work on that instead of getting stuck in your lifelong condemnation without developing yourself.
Don't talk yourself into limitations!

What is it in essence, the characteristics of autism or adhd?
Even the experts don't know, they only determine that the client has autism or adhd because of characteristics in behavior.
How to improve this behavior you don't hear about, you are only condemned to a life sentence.
And with a bit of bad luck you'll get a pill for it too.
The diagnosis only exists in relation to an artificially created society.
It doesn't pay attention to the individual and his qualities.
It is literally invented by itself in order to sketch a handle on why someone in a certain box does not function as desired.

Why couldn't you just see someone with adhd or autism as someone with a different personality with different qualities?
Why must there be a stigma and condemnation for that?
That's how you destroy people.

Everything is self-hypnosis which is why a diagnosis is harmful to you.
Look at your individual qualities and see where you want to go with your life.

Why was this not an issue in the past and now on a large scale?
Everyone seems to have something these days.
We have gone through the process of creating the artificial society in which you have to conform to the standards and values of others instead of your own.

There will be people who are so stuck in their own mindsets that they are outraged by what I say here.
Hope it opens the eyes of most people to look at diagnosis and life sentencing in a different way.

I've talked to psychologists and psychiatrists and swallowed pills.
And let me tell you, things like accupuncture, self-development and sports were much more helpful to me than the "real educated experts" of the establishment.
But yes accupuncture has to be put away as quackery... And how would that be 😉
Everything is about interests, principles and honesty are often far from it.
Sick people is an industry in itself.

And it's not as if the pills really cure you, but they just flatten/suppress something in your brain that is supposed to be good for you....
It's crazy that many people spiral into wanting to take more and more.
Because something that is suppressed only fights back harder.
And this is fought by more medication!
An endless process.
Often even drugs, like ritalin.
I would say accept that you are different and go for work and a lifestyle that suits you instead of poisoning yourself.

I think in a while we will come to the conclusion that all this, the diagnoses and the DSM manual has been the biggest joke ever.

Start developing yourself, set goals, exercise, meditate and take an ice bath if necessary.
You will be amazed at how this can improve your life.

I should say legally that I am not a doctor or expert and this entire article is just my opinion and experience.

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