Importance of a morning routine

A morning routine you use to give yourself a push to start the day off right.
Simple, but can completely change your life.

You can compare it to a train (your life) that is off the track or on it and running.
Off the track nothing happens at all.
But once you put the train on the track and let it run you can go forward for a very long time.
Simply by starting off right you can accomplish a lot and go far.

Many successful people report having a morning routine.
Some on the other hand say, waste time and rather spend it on action and work.
So get up coffee, breakfast and 16 hours of hard work, don't waste time.

So a morning routine is personal and depends on your goals.
And you can make it as crazy as you want.
There's also the danger that if you do a very extensive 2-hour morning routine, you become too dependent on it.
Because what if something unexpected suddenly happens and you don't have time for it?
Then you panic, because you've made yourself dependent on it because you're working on it so much.

Above all, let a morning routine be effective and don't get bogged down in it either.

Morning routine can already be

1. get up early, make bed, shower, brush teeth, have breakfast and start working.

2 The above, some exercise, cold shower, meditate for 5-15 min, eat breakfast and start work.

3, The above + affirmations.

3 Get pretty much already I believe.
But who am I to judge, see for yourself what works and build up a bit of discipline.
A morning routine is perfect for that!

What absolutely belongs in a morning routine?

At least get up early on time every morning.
You always make your bed, brush your teeth, shower and eat.
A cold shower is good for your whole system, but it also gives you the feeling that you start the day with a victory because you leave your confort zone.
Meditating calms you down so that you operate throughout the day from clarity instead of a mind full of chaos.

Furthermore, doing sports or at least some exercises to get your blood flowing and activate everything is also good.
Finally, you could mention some affirmations to program yourself toward your goals.

Again, make it personal and see what works for you and don't overshoot it.
It's a tool for the rest of the day, not just to keep yourself busy.

Try it, give it a chance and see what it does for you.


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