Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate is very intelligent and successful.
Mainly known for his statements and online platform the real world.
In this online platform he teaches people how to make money online outside the system aka the matrix.
Setting up businesses, e-commerce, copywriting, social media, investing, crypto and ai are courses offered for it
Basically things you should learn in school but don't learn.
The teachers are called professors and are actually successful in the no they teach.

So Andrew Tate is very successful in business, but he has also been a world champion kickboxer.
You can think what you want about him, but he does perform.
He encourages people to become stronger and richer.
He kicks against the system and makes a lot of enemies with it.
That's why I see him as someone on a mission with a higher goal than just money.
In my opinion, he says a lot of intelligent things and is next level in his thinking.
Of course I don't always agree with him, but that's not possible.

Either way, he adds a lot of value to humanity,
The system wants you to do what the system wants.
They don't look at what your dreams and goals are.
How you become financially independent and can control your own lifestyle is not their priority.
Andrew Tate does this with his platform.

His opponents, I would ask, what are you doing to make the world a better place?
And what risks are you exposing yourself to in order to do so?
Despite Andrew Tate making a lot of money doing this, he was already a millionaire and doesn't need to do this.
He could have also spent his life on a super yacht with every luxury you can think of.
Without headaches and all kinds of people wanting to bring him down or lock him up in a cell.
Sacrificing your privacy and kicking against the system has a price.
You can't help but have a lot of respect for that.

I myself am also a member of the real world for 49 usd a month.
In addition to the very high quality courses, there are also many live streams with additional explanations and updates.
I myself am taking the crypto trading course right now and it is really good.
I say this as I have been at it for years, but want to take this one with me and am still learning.
49 is nothing for the info you get and the contact you have with the professors.

Use my ref link if you want to become a member after reading this article


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