Everything is your fault

Everything that happens in your life is your fault and your responsibility.
The fact that you have no money, no girlfriend and no job.
The car accident, that it rains outside and you get wet.
All your fault!

But the fact that you are fit, the million-dollar company, the villa and the Ferrari is also your fault!
Not only the lesser things, but also the successes are your fault.

Now you might think that the car accident or the fact that it rains is not my fault at all, what kind of nonsense is this?
What is important is that you take responsibility for everything and that is the only way to gain control.

If you say I can't do anything about it, it happens to me...
Guess what, it will continue to happen to you and you won't be able to do anything about it.

By taking responsibility for everything (no matter how unrealistic it may sometimes be) you train yourself to make the best of everything.
It is programming yourself to optimize and take control of your own life.
Otherwise, you are someone who happens to everything and lives only as an accident of circumstance, a victim.
Do you want to be a victim?
Even though you might be one, there is nothing you can do from that position.

So everything is your fault!
Not part but all of it!
Otherwise, it becomes tempting to take responsibility only when it is convenient.

That doesn't mean endlessly blaming yourself and talking yourself into the pit.
It's really about looking to make the best out of each situation.
Giving yourself feedback and thinking what could be different and better.


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